Friday, May 15, 2009


The redstate blog mentions the press conference fell today by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (Democrat), about the Bush administration using waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorist detainees; which she states she was unaware of. The blogger goes on to talk about how Nancy never raised any objection in 2002 or 2003 about this issue, so why does she feel like she needs to now. This blogger is obviously reacher out to the republican party, because Nancy Pelosi is blaming President Bush and they do not like it. Although it is probably a little too late to put the blame on Bush; I am glad to see that Pelosi wants to get a truth commission. This will help keep administration's from misleading the Congress in any way. And also, everyone knows that there were somethings that the Bush administration did that was wrong and cost the United States a lot of hurt and money, but he was our president and we needed to stand by him even if what he did was stupid and unnecessary. We will have to do the same thing with Obama throughout his presidential term/terms.