Friday, May 15, 2009

In Agreement

my govt 2305 blog has a really good blog on global warming and what the Obama administration is going to do about it. I argue that this is a good idea, but it will cost more money that the United States just does not have right now. And we really don't need another stimulus. This was good blogging; I got a lot of information in just a short paragraph. Well done my govt 2305 blog. 

Loved it!

A classmate of mine (Wouldn't You Like to Know) wrote a great piece on marriage and cohabitation. Throughout the piece she discussed the rates of divorce in couples who live together before marriage and couples who wait until they are married, and just guess who is more likely to get divorced? You guessed it; the couples who live together before getting married. I know that some of those marriages do work out, but why risk it. And it is sad to see the couples that have been living together for years and still are not married; I do not know how they do it. I know I wouldn't be able to. I plan on waiting till I am married to move in with a man; I think things will work out better if I do.  

Democrats vs. Republicans

Why can't we just get along? I don't think there has ever been a time when the United States did not have a Democratic or Republican party battling it out, and I think it is time we do. If you think about it, that is what most people base their votes on. Is the candidate a Democratic or a Republican. When they should really be basing their votes on who will run our beautiful country the best and who will take care of your social class (lower, middle, upper). That is how I base my vote; I'm not a set Democrat and I'm not a set Republican, I just choose who I think is going to take care of me and my family the best. And if the candidate you did not want in office wins, then you should still support them because like it or not they are now the President of the United States and you will have to live under their rule or just move out of the United States. When Bush was elected for a second term I did not believe he should have, but I supported him as my president and hoped for the best. Now it is Obama's turn and I believe that he is going to do everything in his power to take care of us the way we should. Go Obama!


The redstate blog mentions the press conference fell today by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (Democrat), about the Bush administration using waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorist detainees; which she states she was unaware of. The blogger goes on to talk about how Nancy never raised any objection in 2002 or 2003 about this issue, so why does she feel like she needs to now. This blogger is obviously reacher out to the republican party, because Nancy Pelosi is blaming President Bush and they do not like it. Although it is probably a little too late to put the blame on Bush; I am glad to see that Pelosi wants to get a truth commission. This will help keep administration's from misleading the Congress in any way. And also, everyone knows that there were somethings that the Bush administration did that was wrong and cost the United States a lot of hurt and money, but he was our president and we needed to stand by him even if what he did was stupid and unnecessary. We will have to do the same thing with Obama throughout his presidential term/terms.  

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Criminal Justice???

About a month ago Senator Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia, introduced a bill, which will try to repair our criminal justice system. The United States has more than 1 in 100 people going to prison these days. This is a result of harsher sentences, which don't normally fit the seriousness of the offense.  With these harsher sentences; prisons are becoming overcrowded, expensive and gang violence problems are growing. There are people who are in prison right now who probably don't really need to be there, but they are and we (tax payers) have to pay more and more each month for them to be there. It's not only unfair to them, but to the everyday United States citizen paying taxes. Yes they do need to be punished, but not for that long because it is too expensive. The spending costs of prisons has risen 127 percent in the last two decades. I think its funny we spend more money on prison then we do schools, hospitals, etc. If they can get in and fix the criminal justice system then we could have a little extra money to put towards something that actually needs more attention, like schools and hospital or it may be able to help reduce the amount of layoffs in the United States. That would be great, because i know a lot of families that have lost their jobs, cars, homes, etc. because of the way the economy is right now and every bit helps.